Elise Delhez (Contestant 1, Belgium (BEL)) |  France Gheeraert (Contestant 2, Belgium (BEL)) |  Elisabeth Gruwé (Contestant 3, Belgium (BEL)) |  Jessica Mulpas (Contestant 4, Belgium (BEL)) |  Pierre-Alain Jacqmin (Deputy Leader, Belgium (BEL)) |  Michel Sebille (Leader, Belgium (BEL)) |
 Pavlena Nenova (Contestant 1, Bulgaria (BGR)) |  Milena Velikova (Contestant 2, Bulgaria (BGR)) |  Velina Ivanova (Contestant 3, Bulgaria (BGR)) |  Vladimira Souvandjieva (Contestant 4, Bulgaria (BGR)) | Irina Sharkova (Deputy Leader, Bulgaria (BGR)) |  Emil Kolev (Leader, Bulgaria (BGR)) |
Irina Burak (Contestant 1, Belarus (BLR)) | Lizaveta Dauhiala (Contestant 2, Belarus (BLR)) | Varvara Kuzmitskaya (Contestant 3, Belarus (BLR)) | Anastasiya Zhyrkevich (Contestant 4, Belarus (BLR)) | Alena Senchanka (Deputy Leader, Belarus (BLR)) | Mikhail Karpuk (Leader, Belarus (BLR)) |
 Pihla Karanko (Contestant 1, Finland (FIN)) |  Katja Kulmala (Contestant 2, Finland (FIN)) |  Neea Palojärvi (Contestant 3, Finland (FIN)) |  Ella Tamir (Contestant 4, Finland (FIN)) |  Jesse Jääsaari (Deputy Leader, Finland (FIN)) |  Esa Vesalainen (Leader, Finland (FIN)) |
 Noémie Cartier (Contestant 1, France (FRA)) |  Alice Contat (Contestant 2, France (FRA)) |  Ippolyti Dellatolas (Contestant 3, France (FRA)) |  Ariane Gayout (Contestant 4, France (FRA)) |  Samuel Bach (Deputy Leader, France (FRA)) |  Margaret Bilu (Leader, France (FRA)) |
 Ágnes Kúsz (Contestant 1, Hungary (HUN)) |  Zsuzsanna Bősze (Contestant 2, Hungary (HUN)) |  Eszter Kabos (Contestant 3, Hungary (HUN)) |  Emese Anna Tóth (Contestant 4, Hungary (HUN)) |  Zoltán Lóránt Nagy (Deputy Leader, Hungary (HUN)) |  Ágnes Backhausz (Leader, Hungary (HUN)) |
 Karen Briscoe (Contestant 1, Ireland (IRL)) |  Aoife Gregg (Contestant 2, Ireland (IRL)) |  Jessica Weitbrecht (Contestant 3, Ireland (IRL)) |  Anna Mustata (Contestant 4, Ireland (IRL)) |  Jonathan Peters (Deputy Leader, Ireland (IRL)) |  Anca Mustata (Leader, Ireland (IRL)) |
 Clara Antonucci (Contestant 1, Italy (ITA)) |  Alice Cortinovis (Contestant 2, Italy (ITA)) |  Giada Franz (Contestant 3, Italy (ITA)) |  Giulia Trevisan (Contestant 4, Italy (ITA)) |  Alessandra Caraceni (Deputy Leader, Italy (ITA)) |  Samuele Mongodi (Leader, Italy (ITA)) |
 Christina Meyer (Contestant 1, Luxembourg (LUX)) |  Tara Aghajani (Contestant 2, Luxembourg (LUX)) |  Tara Trauthwein (Contestant 3, Luxembourg (LUX)) |  Nadine Muller (Contestant 4, Luxembourg (LUX)) |  Daniel Neyen (Deputy Leader, Luxembourg (LUX)) |  Bernard Felten (Leader, Luxembourg (LUX)) |
 Anna Bicevska (Contestant 1, Latvia (LVA)) |  Eva Brazevica (Contestant 2, Latvia (LVA)) |  Darta Rituma (Contestant 3, Latvia (LVA)) |  Parsla Esmeralda Sietina (Contestant 4, Latvia (LVA)) |  Maruta Avotina (Deputy Leader, Latvia (LVA)) |  Juris Skuskovniks (Leader, Latvia (LVA)) |
 Chuyao Tong (Contestant 1, Netherlands (NLD)) |  Esther Visser (Contestant 2, Netherlands (NLD)) |  Maaike Los (Contestant 3, Netherlands (NLD)) |  Michelle Sweering (Contestant 4, Netherlands (NLD)) |  Sietske Tacoma (Deputy Leader, Netherlands (NLD)) |  Birgit van Dalen (Leader, Netherlands (NLD)) |
 Ingerid Marie Fosli (Contestant 1, Norway (NOR)) |  Kari Lovise Lodsby (Contestant 2, Norway (NOR)) |  Elisabeth Schwarz (Contestant 4, Norway (NOR)) |  Eugenia Malinnikova (Deputy Leader, Norway (NOR)) |  Dávid Kunszenti-Kovács (Leader, Norway (NOR)) | Knut Iver Molden Lodsby (Observer with Contestants, Norway (NOR)) |
 Anna Czerwińska (Contestant 1, Poland (POL)) |  Anna Hoduń (Contestant 2, Poland (POL)) |  Barbara Mroczek (Contestant 3, Poland (POL)) |  Anna Olech (Contestant 4, Poland (POL)) |  Joanna Ochremiak (Deputy Leader, Poland (POL)) | Waldemar Pompe (Leader, Poland (POL)) |
 Simona Diaconu (Contestant 1, Romania (ROU)) |  Andreea Măgălie (Contestant 2, Romania (ROU)) | Silvia-Elena Pripoae (Contestant 3, Romania (ROU)) |  Florina Toma (Contestant 4, Romania (ROU)) |  Hajnalka Csapó (Deputy Leader, Romania (ROU)) |  Dan Schwarz (Leader, Romania (ROU)) |
 Andela Sarkovic (Contestant 1, Serbia (SRB)) |  Tamara Sekularac (Contestant 2, Serbia (SRB)) |  Jelena Trisovic (Contestant 3, Serbia (SRB)) | Marijana Vujadinovic (Contestant 4, Serbia (SRB)) |  Marija Jelic (Deputy Leader, Serbia (SRB)) |  Milos Stojakovic (Leader, Serbia (SRB)) |
 Jana Cslovjecsek (Contestant 1, Switzerland (SUI)) |  Annalena Hofer (Contestant 2, Switzerland (SUI)) |  Viviane Kehl (Contestant 3, Switzerland (SUI)) |  Stefanie Zbinden (Contestant 4, Switzerland (SUI)) |  Cyril Jonas Frei (Deputy Leader, Switzerland (SUI)) |  Clemens Pohle (Leader, Switzerland (SUI)) |
 Lara Jerman (Contestant 1, Slovenia (SVN)) |  Klara Nosan (Contestant 2, Slovenia (SVN)) |  Maruša Pečovnik (Contestant 3, Slovenia (SVN)) |  Mihaela Pušnik (Contestant 4, Slovenia (SVN)) |  Vesna Iršič (Deputy Leader, Slovenia (SVN)) |  Matej Aleksandrov (Leader, Slovenia (SVN)) |
 Olga Axell (Contestant 1, Sweden (SWE)) |  Emma Nimstad (Contestant 2, Sweden (SWE)) | Anousha Parvaneh (Contestant 3, Sweden (SWE)) | Sarah Tovatt (Contestant 4, Sweden (SWE)) |  Susanne Gennow (Deputy Leader, Sweden (SWE)) |  Ulf Backlund (Leader, Sweden (SWE)) |
 Sena Nur Arbağ (Contestant 1, Türkiye (TUR)) |  Çağıl Kalender (Contestant 2, Türkiye (TUR)) |  Melike Ayşegül Kara (Contestant 3, Türkiye (TUR)) |  Berfin Şimşek (Contestant 4, Türkiye (TUR)) |  Fehmi Emre Kadan (Deputy Leader, Türkiye (TUR)) |  Okan Tekman (Leader, Türkiye (TUR)) |
 Anastasiya Alokhina (Contestant 1, Ukraine (UKR)) |  Daryna Kravets (Contestant 2, Ukraine (UKR)) |  Olha Tkachenko (Contestant 3, Ukraine (UKR)) |  Olena Kharytonova (Contestant 4, Ukraine (UKR)) |  Yuliia Kravchenko (Deputy Leader, Ukraine (UKR)) |  Andrii Anikushyn (Leader, Ukraine (UKR)) |
 Maria Holdcroft (Contestant 1, United Kingdom (UNK)) |  Elizabeth Lee (Contestant 2, United Kingdom (UNK)) |  Katya Richards (Contestant 3, United Kingdom (UNK)) |  Kasia Warburton (Contestant 4, United Kingdom (UNK)) |  Joanna Harbour (Deputy Leader, United Kingdom (UNK)) |  Hannah Roberts (Leader, United Kingdom (UNK)) |
Jingyi Zhao (Contestant 1, United States of America (USA)) |  Danielle Wang (Contestant 2, United States of America (USA)) | Alicia Weng (Contestant 3, United States of America (USA)) | Laura Pierson (Contestant 4, United States of America (USA)) | Jenny Iglesias (Deputy Leader, United States of America (USA)) |  Sherry Gong (Leader, United States of America (USA)) |
 Christophe Ley (Chief Coordinator, EGMO 2013 Staff (ZZA)) |  Heather Drewett (Chief Guide, EGMO 2013 Staff (ZZA)) |  Nazar Agakhanov (Coordinator, EGMO 2013 Staff (ZZA)) | Hoang-Phung Bui (Coordinator, EGMO 2013 Staff (ZZA)) |  Isabel Coelho (Coordinator, EGMO 2013 Staff (ZZA)) |  Yves Dominicy (Coordinator, EGMO 2013 Staff (ZZA)) |
 Lukasz Kidzinski (Coordinator, EGMO 2013 Staff (ZZA)) |  Julien Meyer (Coordinator, EGMO 2013 Staff (ZZA)) |  Anouk Neven (Coordinator, EGMO 2013 Staff (ZZA)) |  Paul Vaderlind (Coordinator, EGMO 2013 Staff (ZZA)) |  Azer Kerimov (EGMO AB, EGMO 2013 Staff (ZZA)) |  Geoff Smith (EGMO AB, EGMO 2013 Staff (ZZA)) |
 Zohra Benabad (Guide, EGMO 2013 Staff (ZZA)) |  Katarina Darrosa (Guide, EGMO 2013 Staff (ZZA)) |  Caroline Germeaux (Guide, EGMO 2013 Staff (ZZA)) |  Tiana Goergen (Guide, EGMO 2013 Staff (ZZA)) |  Nathalie Mousel (Guide, EGMO 2013 Staff (ZZA)) |  Carole Muller (Guide, EGMO 2013 Staff (ZZA)) |
 Joseph Myers (IT, EGMO 2013 Staff (ZZA)) |  Pascal Zeihen (Local Organization Committee, EGMO 2013 Staff (ZZA)) |  Martine Deprez (Local Organization Committee Chair, EGMO 2013 Staff (ZZA)) |  Mike Dostert (Managing Director, EGMO 2013 Staff (ZZA)) |  Pierre Haas (Problem Selection, EGMO 2013 Staff (ZZA)) |  Jingran Lin (Problem Selection, EGMO 2013 Staff (ZZA)) |
 Christian Reiher (Problem Selection, EGMO 2013 Staff (ZZA)) |  Gerhard Woeginger (Problem Selection, EGMO 2013 Staff (ZZA)) |  Charles Leytem (Problem Selection Chair, EGMO 2013 Staff (ZZA)) |  Line Hoeltgen (Staff, EGMO 2013 Staff (ZZA)) | | |