Megi Reka (Contestant 1, Albania (ALB)) |  Sabrina Alushi (Contestant 2, Albania (ALB)) |  Dajana Dokaj (Contestant 3, Albania (ALB)) |  Nijada Kacmoli (Contestant 4, Albania (ALB)) |  Valentina Sinaj (Deputy Leader, Albania (ALB)) |  Adrian Naco (Leader, Albania (ALB)) |
 Arto Adili (Observer with Leader, Albania (ALB)) |  Enkel Hysnelaj (Observer with Leader, Albania (ALB)) | | | | |
 Ruiying Wu (Contestant 1, Australia (AUS)) |  Elizabeth Yevdokimov (Contestant 2, Australia (AUS)) |  Mikaela Gray (Contestant 3, Australia (AUS)) |  Eva Ge (Contestant 4, Australia (AUS)) |  Michelle Chen (Deputy Leader, Australia (AUS)) |  Thanom Shaw (Leader, Australia (AUS)) |
 Rachel Wong (Observer with Deputy, Australia (AUS)) | | | | | |
 Melanie Mattersberger (Contestant 1, Austria (AUT)) |  Doris Obermaier (Contestant 2, Austria (AUT)) |  Elisabeth Gaar (Deputy Leader, Austria (AUT)) |  Veronika Schreitter (Leader, Austria (AUT)) | | |
 Fidan Garayeva (Contestant 1, Azerbaijan (AZE)) |  Fidan Jafarli (Contestant 2, Azerbaijan (AZE)) |  Aysun Bayramli (Contestant 3, Azerbaijan (AZE)) |  Laman Aghazada (Contestant 4, Azerbaijan (AZE)) |  Abbas Mammadov (Deputy Leader, Azerbaijan (AZE)) |  Hasan Hasanzade (Leader, Azerbaijan (AZE)) |
 Dora Chen (Contestant 1, Belgium (BEL)) |  Camille Coppieters (Contestant 2, Belgium (BEL)) |  Marie Determe (Contestant 3, Belgium (BEL)) |  Camille Laloux (Contestant 4, Belgium (BEL)) |  Samira le Grand (Deputy Leader, Belgium (BEL)) |  Michel Sebille (Leader, Belgium (BEL)) |
 Nujhat Ahmed Disha (Contestant 1, Bangladesh (BGD)) |  Arifa Alam (Contestant 2, Bangladesh (BGD)) |  Rayan Bintay Mostafa (Contestant 3, Bangladesh (BGD)) |  Safa Tasnim (Contestant 4, Bangladesh (BGD)) |  Ahmed Zawad Chowdhury (Deputy Leader, Bangladesh (BGD)) |  Ipshita Bonhi Upoma (Leader, Bangladesh (BGD)) |
 Nishat Anjum Bristy (Observer with Leader, Bangladesh (BGD)) | | | | | |
 Margarita Stefanova (Contestant 1, Bulgaria (BGR)) |  Maria Drencheva (Contestant 2, Bulgaria (BGR)) |  Mihaela Gledacheva (Contestant 3, Bulgaria (BGR)) |  Kalina Nikolova (Contestant 4, Bulgaria (BGR)) |  Lyuba Konova (Deputy Leader, Bulgaria (BGR)) |  Velina Ivanova (Leader, Bulgaria (BGR)) |
 Naida Purišević (Contestant 1, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH)) |  Esma Mašić (Contestant 2, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH)) |  Emira Ibrahimović (Contestant 3, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH)) |  Asja Ćatić (Contestant 4, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH)) |  Tijana Babić (Deputy Leader, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH)) |  Adisa Bolić (Leader, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH)) |
 Maryna Horbach (Contestant 1, Belarus (BLR)) |  Kseniya Shastakova (Contestant 2, Belarus (BLR)) |  Hanna Blazhko (Contestant 3, Belarus (BLR)) |  Milanna Pahasian (Contestant 4, Belarus (BLR)) |  Alena Senchanka (Deputy Leader, Belarus (BLR)) |  Mikhail Karpuk (Leader, Belarus (BLR)) |
 Alejandra Melody Flores Poma (Contestant 1, Bolivia (BOL)) |  Mari Linda Eulate Peña (Contestant 2, Bolivia (BOL)) |  Camila Rosario Antonio Villarroel (Contestant 3, Bolivia (BOL)) |  Monserrat del Pilar Flores Choqueticlla (Contestant 4, Bolivia (BOL)) |  Sonia Cordero Cárdenas (Deputy Leader, Bolivia (BOL)) |  Fernado Vera Hurtado (Leader, Bolivia (BOL)) |
 Bruna Arisa Shoji Nakamura (Contestant 1, Brazil (BRA)) |  Gabriella Santana Morgado (Contestant 2, Brazil (BRA)) |  Laís Nuto Rossman (Contestant 3, Brazil (BRA)) |  Letícia Barbieri Stroeh (Contestant 4, Brazil (BRA)) |  Ana Beatriz Studart (Deputy Leader, Brazil (BRA)) |  Luíze D’Urso (Leader, Brazil (BRA)) |
 Allison Tsypin (Contestant 1, Canada (CAN)) |  Jennifer Wang (Contestant 2, Canada (CAN)) |  Yifan Tang (Contestant 3, Canada (CAN)) | Kaylee Ji (Contestant 4, Canada (CAN)) |  Elnaz Hessami Pilehrood (Deputy Leader, Canada (CAN)) |  Mariya Sardarli (Leader, Canada (CAN)) |
 Anna Krokhine (Observer with Deputy, Canada (CAN)) | | | | | |
 Kristel Acuña García (Contestant 1, Costa Rica (CRI)) |  Viviana Le Roy Cáceres (Contestant 2, Costa Rica (CRI)) |  Nicole Lipschitz Kesselman (Contestant 3, Costa Rica (CRI)) |  Stephanie Sandoval Camacho (Contestant 4, Costa Rica (CRI)) |  Maricruz Vásquez Sandí (Deputy Leader, Costa Rica (CRI)) |  Daniel Campos Salas (Leader, Costa Rica (CRI)) |
 Semeli Ergatoudi (Contestant 1, Cyprus (CYP)) |  Georgia Timotheou (Contestant 2, Cyprus (CYP)) |  Danae Makridou (Contestant 3, Cyprus (CYP)) |  Sophia Smyrli (Contestant 4, Cyprus (CYP)) |  Andreas Skotinos (Deputy Leader, Cyprus (CYP)) |  Demetres Christofides (Leader, Cyprus (CYP)) |
 Sotiris Loizias (Observer with Deputy, Cyprus (CYP)) |  Kyriacos Matheou (Observer with Leader, Cyprus (CYP)) | | | | |
 Vendula Onderková (Contestant 1, Czech Republic (CZE)) |  Klára Pernicová (Contestant 2, Czech Republic (CZE)) |  Adéla Heroudková (Contestant 3, Czech Republic (CZE)) |  Adéla Karolína Žáčková (Contestant 4, Czech Republic (CZE)) |  Lenka Kopfová (Deputy Leader, Czech Republic (CZE)) |  Pavel Šalom (Leader, Czech Republic (CZE)) |
 Bodil Kondrup Vedel (Contestant 1, Denmark (DEN)) |  Edith Bille Gørtz (Contestant 2, Denmark (DEN)) |  Liv Rosenlund Krohn (Contestant 3, Denmark (DEN)) |  Sofie Lindgaard Roed (Contestant 4, Denmark (DEN)) |  Olga Bershteyn (Deputy Leader, Denmark (DEN)) |  Kirsten Rosenkilde (Leader, Denmark (DEN)) |
 Zhiron Cristina Wu Yuan (Contestant 1, Ecuador (ECU)) |  Natasha Fernanda Valarezo Oyola (Contestant 2, Ecuador (ECU)) |  María José Indacochea Rosado (Contestant 3, Ecuador (ECU)) |  María Cristina García (Contestant 4, Ecuador (ECU)) |  María Gratzia Indacochea Rosado (Deputy Leader, Ecuador (ECU)) |  Ana Paula Indacochea Rosado (Leader, Ecuador (ECU)) |
 Paula Esquerrà Giné (Contestant 1, Spain (ESP)) |  Jimena Lorenzo Simón (Contestant 2, Spain (ESP)) |  Mencía Díaz de Cerio Ruiz de Lobera (Contestant 3, Spain (ESP)) |  Raquel Trull Báguena (Contestant 4, Spain (ESP)) |  Daniel Lasaosa Medarde (Deputy Leader, Spain (ESP)) |  Elisa Lorenzo García (Leader, Spain (ESP)) |
 Aino Aulanko (Contestant 1, Finland (FIN)) |  Veera Nurmela (Contestant 2, Finland (FIN)) |  Tianyue Sun (Contestant 3, Finland (FIN)) |  Anni Tapionlinna (Contestant 4, Finland (FIN)) |  Neea Palojärvi (Deputy Leader, Finland (FIN)) |  Anne-Maria Ernvall-Hytönen (Leader, Finland (FIN)) |
 Hannah Faucheu (Contestant 1, France (FRA)) |  Maryam Kouhkan (Contestant 2, France (FRA)) |  Amélie Triqueneaux (Contestant 3, France (FRA)) |  Fangyu Xue (Contestant 4, France (FRA)) |  Anna Luchnikova (Deputy Leader, France (FRA)) |  Aline Cahuzac (Leader, France (FRA)) |
 Kesaria Chelidze (Contestant 1, Georgia (GEO)) |  Maria-Elena Aisha Tskhvediani (Contestant 2, Georgia (GEO)) |  Ana Onoprishvili (Contestant 3, Georgia (GEO)) |  Mariam Ivardava (Contestant 4, Georgia (GEO)) |  Dimitri Arabidze (Deputy Leader, Georgia (GEO)) |  Ivane Gokadze (Leader, Georgia (GEO)) |
 Lizi Kutchava (Contestant 1, Georgia B (GEOB)) |  Nia Tatrishvili (Contestant 2, Georgia B (GEOB)) |  Tamari Peikrishvili (Contestant 3, Georgia B (GEOB)) |  Elene Kalinichenko (Contestant 4, Georgia B (GEOB)) |  Tamar Korkotashvili (Leader, Georgia B (GEOB)) | |
 Cara de Bruyn (Contestant 1, Germany (GER)) |  Olesia Gaiduk (Contestant 2, Germany (GER)) |  Marie Mattutat (Contestant 3, Germany (GER)) |  Réka Amélie Wagener (Contestant 4, Germany (GER)) |  Luise Puhlmann (Deputy Leader, Germany (GER)) |  Susanne Armbruster (Leader, Germany (GER)) |
 Ema Borevković (Contestant 1, Croatia (HRV)) |  Stella Čolo (Contestant 2, Croatia (HRV)) |  Leonarda Pribanić (Contestant 3, Croatia (HRV)) |  Lara Semeš (Contestant 4, Croatia (HRV)) |  Azra Tafro (Deputy Leader, Croatia (HRV)) |  Matija Bašić (Leader, Croatia (HRV)) |
Nóra Zoé Velich (Contestant 1, Hungary (HUN)) |  Janka Hámori (Contestant 2, Hungary (HUN)) | Diep Bich Nguyen (Contestant 3, Hungary (HUN)) |  Johanna Győrffy (Contestant 4, Hungary (HUN)) |  Melinda Flóra Kiss (Deputy Leader, Hungary (HUN)) |  Panna Tímea Fekete (Leader, Hungary (HUN)) |
 Aditi Muthkhod (Contestant 1, India (IND)) |  Ananya Rajas Ranade (Contestant 2, India (IND)) |  Anushka Aggarwal (Contestant 3, India (IND)) |  Gunjan Aggarwal (Contestant 4, India (IND)) |  Niranjan Balachandran (Deputy Leader, India (IND)) |  Sury Balasubramanian (Leader, India (IND)) |
 Xiaoping Lang (Contestant 1, Ireland (IRL)) |  Ellen Li (Contestant 2, Ireland (IRL)) |  Ashling McCarthy (Contestant 3, Ireland (IRL)) |  Eilis OHalloran (Contestant 4, Ireland (IRL)) |  Myrto Manolaki (Deputy Leader, Ireland (IRL)) |  Andrew Smith (Leader, Ireland (IRL)) |
 Tamar Peer (Contestant 1, Israel (ISR)) |  Nogah Friedman (Contestant 2, Israel (ISR)) |  Yaara Schulman (Contestant 3, Israel (ISR)) |  Nicole Grosman (Contestant 4, Israel (ISR)) |  Miriam Farber (Deputy Leader, Israel (ISR)) |  Dan Carmon (Leader, Israel (ISR)) |
 Francesca Busato (Contestant 1, Italy (ITA)) |  Elena Ghilardi (Contestant 2, Italy (ITA)) |  Cecilia Moriggi (Contestant 3, Italy (ITA)) |  Daria Pasqualetti (Contestant 4, Italy (ITA)) |  Veronica Sacchi (Deputy Leader, Italy (ITA)) |  Francesca Rizzo (Leader, Italy (ITA)) |
 Aya Nagao (Contestant 1, Japan (JPN)) |  Kana Okazaki (Contestant 2, Japan (JPN)) |  Mika Yamanouchi (Contestant 3, Japan (JPN)) |  Yurika Yasuda (Contestant 4, Japan (JPN)) |  Ko Aoki (Deputy Leader, Japan (JPN)) |  Etsuro Moriya (Leader, Japan (JPN)) |
 Shuho Kanda (Observer with Leader, Japan (JPN)) | | | | | |
 Dilnaz Ualiyeva (Contestant 1, Kazakhstan (KAZ)) |  Merey Temirzinova (Contestant 2, Kazakhstan (KAZ)) |  Akerke Nurakhmetova (Contestant 3, Kazakhstan (KAZ)) |  Aizhan Kenzhebayeva (Contestant 4, Kazakhstan (KAZ)) |  Nursultan Khajimuratov (Deputy Leader, Kazakhstan (KAZ)) |  Almaz Kungozhin (Leader, Kazakhstan (KAZ)) |
 Elnura Anarbai kyzy (Contestant 1, Kyrgyzstan (KGZ)) |  Alina Myrsabekova (Contestant 2, Kyrgyzstan (KGZ)) |  Karinakhon Ishankulova (Contestant 3, Kyrgyzstan (KGZ)) |  Victoriia Davydova (Contestant 4, Kyrgyzstan (KGZ)) |  Makhamadkhan Ishmatov (Leader, Kyrgyzstan (KGZ)) | |
 Era Syla (Contestant 1, Kosovo (KSV)) |  Rinesë Morina (Contestant 2, Kosovo (KSV)) |  Rinesa Hamiti (Contestant 3, Kosovo (KSV)) |  Vesa Vishaj (Contestant 4, Kosovo (KSV)) |  Dorlir Ahmeti (Deputy Leader, Kosovo (KSV)) |  Valmir Krasniqi (Leader, Kosovo (KSV)) |
 Sasha Biryukov (Contestant 1, Luxembourg (LUX)) |  Angelina Kysil (Contestant 2, Luxembourg (LUX)) |  Tara Trauthwein (Deputy Leader, Luxembourg (LUX)) |  Pierre Haas (Leader, Luxembourg (LUX)) | | |
 Milana Komisarova (Contestant 1, Latvia (LVA)) |  Līva Oliņa (Contestant 2, Latvia (LVA)) |  Anna Frolova (Contestant 3, Latvia (LVA)) |  Jana Voiciša (Contestant 4, Latvia (LVA)) |  Ilze Ošiņa (Deputy Leader, Latvia (LVA)) |  Parsla Esmeralda Sietina (Leader, Latvia (LVA)) |
 Adelina Andrei (Contestant 1, Republic of Moldova (MDA)) |  Mădălina Griza (Contestant 2, Republic of Moldova (MDA)) |  Adelina Patlatîi (Contestant 3, Republic of Moldova (MDA)) |  Ana-Maria Izbaș (Contestant 4, Republic of Moldova (MDA)) |  Ana Costaș (Deputy Leader, Republic of Moldova (MDA)) |  Galina Rusu (Leader, Republic of Moldova (MDA)) |
 Ana Illanes Martínez de la Vega (Contestant 1, Mexico (MEX)) |  Alexandra Valdepeñas Ramírez (Contestant 2, Mexico (MEX)) |  Karla Rebeca Munguia Romero (Contestant 3, Mexico (MEX)) |  Samantha Ruelas Valtierra (Contestant 4, Mexico (MEX)) |  Marcela Cruz Larios (Deputy Leader, Mexico (MEX)) |  Cristina Irene Sotomayor Vivas (Leader, Mexico (MEX)) |
 Isabel Alicia Hubard Escalera (Observer with Leader, Mexico (MEX)) | | | | | |
 Marija Atanasova (Contestant 1, North Macedonia (MKD)) |  Ivona Zikova (Contestant 2, North Macedonia (MKD)) |  Jasna Ilieva (Contestant 3, North Macedonia (MKD)) |  Emilija Nikolovska (Contestant 4, North Macedonia (MKD)) |  Erblina Zeqiri (Deputy Leader, North Macedonia (MKD)) |  Aneta Gacovska-Barandovska (Leader, North Macedonia (MKD)) |
 Maud van Bokhoven (Contestant 1, Netherlands (NLD)) |  Samantha Li (Contestant 2, Netherlands (NLD)) |  Allie Zong (Contestant 3, Netherlands (NLD)) |  Naomi Zwaneveld (Contestant 4, Netherlands (NLD)) |  Dirk van Bree (Deputy Leader, Netherlands (NLD)) |  Gabriëlle Zwaneveld (Leader, Netherlands (NLD)) |
 Zejia He (Contestant 1, Norway (NOR)) |  Pratibha Thakur (Contestant 2, Norway (NOR)) |  Camilla Alberg (Contestant 3, Norway (NOR)) |  Astrid Mysterud (Contestant 4, Norway (NOR)) |  Weronika Wrzos-Kaminska (Deputy Leader, Norway (NOR)) |  Sofia Lindqvist (Leader, Norway (NOR)) |
 Carla Fermin (Contestant 1, Peru (PER)) |  Dariam Caparachin (Contestant 2, Peru (PER)) |  Flor Luna (Contestant 3, Peru (PER)) |  Angie Alcantara (Contestant 4, Peru (PER)) |  Maria Laura Guevara (Deputy Leader, Peru (PER)) |  Jesus Zapata (Leader, Peru (PER)) |
 Monica Martinez (Observer with Leader, Peru (PER)) |  Gladys Alekza Salazar (Observer with Leader, Peru (PER)) | | | | |
 Alicja Abramczuk (Contestant 1, Poland (POL)) |  Julia Filip (Contestant 2, Poland (POL)) |  Justyna Palikowska (Contestant 3, Poland (POL)) |  Gabriela Pietras (Contestant 4, Poland (POL)) |  Justyna Jaworska (Deputy Leader, Poland (POL)) |  Dominika Regiec (Leader, Poland (POL)) |
 Ioana Popescu (Contestant 1, Romania (ROU)) |  Diana Țolu (Contestant 2, Romania (ROU)) |  Lucia Rîșnoveanu (Contestant 3, Romania (ROU)) |  Ana-Maria-Iulia Bogdan (Contestant 4, Romania (ROU)) |  Anca Băltărigă (Deputy Leader, Romania (ROU)) |  Mihail Bălună (Leader, Romania (ROU)) |
 Ralina Iusupova (Contestant 1, Russian Federation (RUS)) |  Taisiia Korotchenko (Contestant 2, Russian Federation (RUS)) |  Rozalina Mirgalimova (Contestant 3, Russian Federation (RUS)) |  Anna Piatkova (Contestant 4, Russian Federation (RUS)) |  Nadezhda Vlasova (Deputy Leader, Russian Federation (RUS)) |  Alina Safiullina (Leader, Russian Federation (RUS)) |
Rafaa Qanash (Contestant 1, Saudi Arabia (SAU)) |  Joud Bahuwayni (Contestant 2, Saudi Arabia (SAU)) |  Lara Monagel (Contestant 3, Saudi Arabia (SAU)) |  Fatimeh Alghannam (Contestant 4, Saudi Arabia (SAU)) |  Tarek Shehata (Deputy Leader, Saudi Arabia (SAU)) |  Sultan ALbarakati (Leader, Saudi Arabia (SAU)) |
Shaden Alshammari (Observer with Contestants, Saudi Arabia (SAU)) |  Salfwat Altanany (Observer with Leader, Saudi Arabia (SAU)) | | | | |
 Milica Vugdelić (Contestant 1, Serbia (SRB)) |  Sara Dragutinović (Contestant 2, Serbia (SRB)) |  Nevena Stojković (Contestant 3, Serbia (SRB)) |  Milja Jovanović (Contestant 4, Serbia (SRB)) |  Sonja Čukić (Deputy Leader, Serbia (SRB)) |  Miloš Stojaković (Leader, Serbia (SRB)) |
 Ema Skottova (Contestant 1, Switzerland (SUI)) |  Emily Dikhoff (Contestant 2, Switzerland (SUI)) |  Evelyn Ebneter (Contestant 3, Switzerland (SUI)) |  Yanta Wang (Contestant 4, Switzerland (SUI)) |  Julia Sollberger (Deputy Leader, Switzerland (SUI)) |  Anaëlle Pfister (Leader, Switzerland (SUI)) |
 Alica Dományová (Contestant 1, Slovakia (SVK)) |  Lenka Hake (Contestant 2, Slovakia (SVK)) |  Eliška Macáková (Contestant 3, Slovakia (SVK)) |  Tereza Škublová (Contestant 4, Slovakia (SVK)) |  Laura Vištanová (Deputy Leader, Slovakia (SVK)) |  Patrik Bak (Leader, Slovakia (SVK)) |
 Katarina Grilj (Contestant 1, Slovenia (SVN)) |  Lana Prijon (Contestant 2, Slovenia (SVN)) |  Kaja Rajter (Contestant 3, Slovenia (SVN)) |  Tjaša Sušnik (Contestant 4, Slovenia (SVN)) |  Luka Horjak (Deputy Leader, Slovenia (SVN)) |  Ana Meta Dolinar (Leader, Slovenia (SVN)) |
 Mehrona Sharopova (Contestant 1, Tajikistan (TJK)) |  Anisa Burieva (Contestant 2, Tajikistan (TJK)) |  Amina Sadykova (Contestant 3, Tajikistan (TJK)) |  Farahnoz Normurodzoda (Contestant 4, Tajikistan (TJK)) |  Malik Sitamov (Deputy Leader, Tajikistan (TJK)) |  Farrukh Karimov (Leader, Tajikistan (TJK)) |
 Yasmine Alaya (Contestant 1, Tunisia (TUN)) |  Raouf Thabet (Leader, Tunisia (TUN)) | | | | |
 Betül Akdaş (Contestant 1, Türkiye (TUR)) |  Zeynep Ebrar Karadeniz (Contestant 2, Türkiye (TUR)) |  Ayşe Zehra Şen (Contestant 3, Türkiye (TUR)) |  Zeynep Taşevli (Contestant 4, Türkiye (TUR)) |  Selim Bahadır (Deputy Leader, Türkiye (TUR)) |  Azer Kerimov (Leader, Türkiye (TUR)) |
 Yelyzaveta Horokh (Contestant 1, Ukraine (UKR)) |  Roksolana Ivanchuk (Contestant 2, Ukraine (UKR)) |  Sofia Ryabchun (Contestant 3, Ukraine (UKR)) |  Karolina Susol (Contestant 4, Ukraine (UKR)) |  Yuliia Kravchenko (Deputy Leader, Ukraine (UKR)) |  Andrii Anikushyn (Leader, Ukraine (UKR)) |
 Aanya Goyal (Contestant 1, United Kingdom (UNK)) |  Eleanor MacGillivray (Contestant 2, United Kingdom (UNK)) |  Yuka Machino (Contestant 3, United Kingdom (UNK)) |  Jenni Voon (Contestant 4, United Kingdom (UNK)) |  Kasia Warburton (Deputy Leader, United Kingdom (UNK)) |  Jenny Owladi (Leader, United Kingdom (UNK)) |
Stew Ramsay (Observer with Contestants, United Kingdom (UNK)) | Kit Richardson (Observer with Contestants, United Kingdom (UNK)) | | | | |
 Serena An (Contestant 1, United States of America (USA)) |  Yunseo Choi (Contestant 2, United States of America (USA)) |  Sanjana Das (Contestant 3, United States of America (USA)) |  Jessica Wan (Contestant 4, United States of America (USA)) |  Meghal Gupta (Deputy Leader, United States of America (USA)) |  Rachel Zhang (Leader, United States of America (USA)) |
 Joseph Myers (IT, EGMO 2021 Staff (ZZA)) |  Marekhi NIkoladze (Staff, EGMO 2021 Staff (ZZA)) | | | | |