Past and future EGMOs
EGMO: Data protectionPersonal data of EGMO participants and national EGMO contacts is processed by the EGMO Board (contact details) for the purposes of administering EGMOs and maintaining a public permanent historical record of participants in and results of EGMOs. This is on the basis of Article 6(1)(f) of the EU General Data Protection Regulation. Where transfers of non-public registration and contact information are made to Host Organizations outside the EU and not in countries providing an adequate level of protection for personal data, this is on the basis of standard data protection clauses approved by European Commission. Data subjects have rights as specified by the General Data Protection Regulation, including rights of access to and rectification or erasure of information and to object to processing and the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority. These rights are subject to the limitations specified in the General Data Protection Regulation. National EGMO contactsNames and email addresses of national EGMO contacts are processed for the purposes of sending invitations and other communications relating to future EGMOs and providing access to the EGMO registration system, and are provided to future host countries for that purpose. This information is provided by those contacts or by IMO contacts for those countries or by other representatives of their national mathematical olympiad organizations. National EGMO contacts may contact to change the details used for their countries. Public information about participantsThe following information related to EGMO participants (both past participants and expected participants registered for the next or current EGMO) is made available on the EGMO website as a permanent historical record of EGMO: name, country, EGMO roles, countries guided (Guides only), contestant code and age on qualifying date (contestants only), scores (on individual problems and total), rank and awards (contestants only), photograph (optional), database sequence numbers for both the record of past participants and for the registration database each year. Information about a person’s participation at different EGMOs is linked. The full history of the times at which scores were entered and any changes made to them before final approval is included in a public RSS feed. This information is provided by the national EGMO contacts (the Host Organization in the case of EGMO staff) at registration time, or, in the case of scores, determined in Coordination or by the Jury. Photographs are optional at registration and may be provided for use on the website and name badge, where the participant consents to use on the website, or for use on the name badge only. Photographs will be removed on requests made by participants to Non-public registration informationIn addition to the public information about participants, the following information is collected at registration: gender, date of birth, passport or identity card number, passport or identity card scan, nationality, name as in passport, languages, allergies and dietary requirements, SARS-CoV-2 vaccination status (possession of an appropriate COVID certificate for the event, number of vaccine doses received, whether a vaccine dose has been received after a threshold date), t-shirt size, whether participating in person or remotely in the case of a hybrid event, arrival and departure places, dates, times and flight numbers, preferred type of room (options typically shared room or single room), requested person to share room with, room number, phone number (EGMO staff only), parental consent form, photograph (if provided for name badge but not for website), whether to reuse a public photograph from previous years if no photograph is uploaded, whether the participant has given permission for the publication of photographs taken during the EGMO. Passport or identity card numbers and scans, nationality, names as in passport, vaccination information and parental consent forms are only collected if required in a particular year (for example, in order to register people at the hotel). Where room numbers are recorded, which they may not be every year (for example, if allocated by the hotel and not appearing on name badges), they are provided by the Host Organization. An an email address for the leader is also collected for communications during the event. For a virtual event, it is provided to other leaders to allow coordination on preparing translations into languages used by more than one country. In the case of a virtual event, a physical address for distributing medals, certificates and other materials after the event is also collected. This information is not public, but is available to the EGMO Host Organization for the purposes of administering EGMO. It is retained until the end of the month in which EGMO takes place and may remain in backups for a further year; after that, details of languages in which contestants received the papers may be retained to support planning for future EGMOs and to allow for investigation of any alleged irregularities, and other information relevant for logistical planning for future EGMOs may be retained in anonymised form. Room numbers of participants from a country and that country’s Guide, and the registered phone number for that Guide, may appear on each other’s name badges. This information is provided by the national EGMO contacts at registration time, or by the Host Organization in the case of room numbers and information about EGMO staff. The Host Organization may also provide email addresses of EGMO staff to allow self-registration accounts to be created for those staff; in the case, some of the information may be provided directly by those staff through self-registration. Information about changes made to both public and non-public registration information is also tracked by the registration system. That information is not itself public (except for the history of data entry of scores) and is retained for the same period as other non-public registration information. Web access logs and cookiesThe EGMO registration system uses cookies to track sessions for logged-in users. The EGMO website does not make any other uses of cookies.
Web access logs for the EGMO website, containing details of the URLs accessed, the IP address and user agent used for the access, the date and time of the access and the amount of data transmitted, are retained for a year and may remain in backups for a further year. |